Army prepo list
Army prepo list

army prepo list

It is a force package that is mobile and can be quickly repositioned in response to a crisis anywhere in the world.ĪPA allows the early deployment of an Army heavy brigade force to support the needs of CINCs in order to minimize the initial requirement for the strategic lift. It carries critical weapons systems, equipment, and supplies common to all theaters. Equipment prepositioned afloat has universal utility for multiple CINCs. The purpose of a prepositioned (PREPO) Afloat operation is to project a heavy force early in the crisis capable of complimenting other early arriving forces to rapidly reinforce a lodgment established by Army early entry forces to protect key objectives (port, airfield, etc.) and to be prepared to conduct subsequent operations across the range of militaryĪPA operations range from employment of one ship in support of a humanitarian assistance mission to the employment of all APA vessels required to support the CINC's campaign plan. The MRS concluded that the Army can only increase its deployability through an expanded investment of sealift and airlift, prepositioning, and transportation infrastructure.ĪPA provides the combatant CINCs with deployment flexibility and increased capability to respond to a crisis or contingency with a credible force. The ASMP was initiated to address the conclusions of the Mobility Requirements Study (MRS). The APS-3, Army Prepositioned Afloat (APA) Program, is a direct result of the Army Strategic Mobility Program (ASMP).

army prepo list

Included in the afloat prepositioning package are transportation and port opening equipment that are critical to reception, staging, off-loading and onward movement of deploying units. Under the Army Strategic Mobility Program umbrella, the Army has chosen to expand its afloat prepositioning program to accommodate not only the Mobility Requirements Study directed afloat combat brigade, but also common equipment and supplies that facilitate rapid deployment.

Army prepo list